1. What is Tots & Co all about?
Tots & Co is a voluntary run organisation which aims to provide a support network to English-speaking families in the Toulouse area.
2. Can I come along and see if I like the group before joining?
Of course! You are welcome to come along to one or two meet-ups for a free trial of Tots & Co before signing up.
3. How do I join Tots & Co?
You should download the membership form and responsibility disclaimer form from the "How to Join” page on this website. You need to give these two forms plus your payment in cash (euros only) or by cheque (from a French account) to a committee member.
4. What is the primary language used at Tots & Co meetings?
5. Can I join Tots & Co even if English is not my mother tongue?
All our members speak and understand English, but we certainly welcome non-native speakers! Our aim is to provide an English-speaking environment for the parents and children.
6. Will Tots & Co help my children learn English?
Tots and Co provides the opportunity to hear, understand, and speak English through play, songs, and other more structured activities. If you are a non-speaking English family and would like your children to learn English, there are many schools in Toulouse which cater for young children.
7. Where is the Tots and Co headquarters?
Tots and Co has regular meet-ups in Hibiscus Centre inToulouse.
8. Will I be expected to help out in some way?
At Tots & Co, we operate entirely on a voluntary basis, relying on the generosity and support of our members. Any assistance you can offer, big or small, is greatly valued! Whether it's pitching in to tidy up toys and crafts during our activities or taking on a more regular role by joining our committee, every contribution helps ensure the success of our community. We welcome your involvement at any level that suits you. Together, we can make Tots a thriving and vibrant space for families to connect and grow.
9. I’m going through a tough time with a divorce / bereavement / difficult pregnancy / health issues with my child, etc. Can Tots & Co offer any particular support?
Tots & Co is first and foremost a network of support for English-speaking mothers in the Toulouse area. We are not a trained counselling service but we do have Mums who have been through different traumas over the years our group has been running. All these Mums would be more than happy to listen and give you some advice. All you need to do is contact your ‘buddy’ or a committee member on a strictly confidential basis and we will do our very best to provide you with the support you need. Please ask if there’s something you need our help with – we can only help you if we know about it!
10. I’ll be moving to France in the next few months, can I join Tots & Co before I get there?
Of course! You’ll need to download the membership form and responsibility disclaimer form from the “Membership Information” page on this website and post these to us with your payment in cash (Euros only) or by (French) cheque. Please send an email to the contact on the “How to Join” page and they will send you the postal address to send your forms and payment to us.
11. I’m totally new to Toulouse and am feeling rather overwhelmed with everything, how can Tots & Co help me?
Tots & Co is made up of members who have been through exactly the same experience as you. Come along to our regular meetings and talk to other people about how they have coped and settled into their new lives here. We also have a very active facebook and local WhatsApp groups for additional support and organising spontaneous meet-ups. You’ll be amazed at the wealth of good advice!
12. I’m expecting my first baby, can I still come along to the group?
Absolutely! We welcome expectant Mums to come along to our meetings during their pregnancy. It’s a great way to meet everybody and feel settled in the group before the bump becomes a baby! We also run a Pregnancy and New Mother Support Group called Bumps to Babies as part of Tots & Co which you are more than welcome to attend.
13. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with my first baby and am rather scared at the thought of giving birth in France. Can Tots & Co offer any advice?
Yes, and we can do a whole lot more too! We run a Pregnancy and New Mother Support group to give you the help you need through your pregnancy and the first months with your new baby. We also have a library of pregnancy and early childhood support books as well as a “Pregnancy Support Guide – Having a baby in Toulouse” which outlines all the medical check-ups you need to have and which administrative forms you need to fill in when.
14. I work full-time, are there any Tots & Co activities I can come along to?
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect with like-minded families and access the support networks Tots & Co offers, we've introduced new initiatives for working parents. Alongside our monthly Mum's Club outings and weekend Family Meet & Culture Club, we now offer a reduced fee membership option tailored for working parents.
Tots & Co is a voluntary run organisation which aims to provide a support network to English-speaking families in the Toulouse area.
2. Can I come along and see if I like the group before joining?
Of course! You are welcome to come along to one or two meet-ups for a free trial of Tots & Co before signing up.
3. How do I join Tots & Co?
You should download the membership form and responsibility disclaimer form from the "How to Join” page on this website. You need to give these two forms plus your payment in cash (euros only) or by cheque (from a French account) to a committee member.
4. What is the primary language used at Tots & Co meetings?
5. Can I join Tots & Co even if English is not my mother tongue?
All our members speak and understand English, but we certainly welcome non-native speakers! Our aim is to provide an English-speaking environment for the parents and children.
6. Will Tots & Co help my children learn English?
Tots and Co provides the opportunity to hear, understand, and speak English through play, songs, and other more structured activities. If you are a non-speaking English family and would like your children to learn English, there are many schools in Toulouse which cater for young children.
7. Where is the Tots and Co headquarters?
Tots and Co has regular meet-ups in Hibiscus Centre inToulouse.
8. Will I be expected to help out in some way?
At Tots & Co, we operate entirely on a voluntary basis, relying on the generosity and support of our members. Any assistance you can offer, big or small, is greatly valued! Whether it's pitching in to tidy up toys and crafts during our activities or taking on a more regular role by joining our committee, every contribution helps ensure the success of our community. We welcome your involvement at any level that suits you. Together, we can make Tots a thriving and vibrant space for families to connect and grow.
9. I’m going through a tough time with a divorce / bereavement / difficult pregnancy / health issues with my child, etc. Can Tots & Co offer any particular support?
Tots & Co is first and foremost a network of support for English-speaking mothers in the Toulouse area. We are not a trained counselling service but we do have Mums who have been through different traumas over the years our group has been running. All these Mums would be more than happy to listen and give you some advice. All you need to do is contact your ‘buddy’ or a committee member on a strictly confidential basis and we will do our very best to provide you with the support you need. Please ask if there’s something you need our help with – we can only help you if we know about it!
10. I’ll be moving to France in the next few months, can I join Tots & Co before I get there?
Of course! You’ll need to download the membership form and responsibility disclaimer form from the “Membership Information” page on this website and post these to us with your payment in cash (Euros only) or by (French) cheque. Please send an email to the contact on the “How to Join” page and they will send you the postal address to send your forms and payment to us.
11. I’m totally new to Toulouse and am feeling rather overwhelmed with everything, how can Tots & Co help me?
Tots & Co is made up of members who have been through exactly the same experience as you. Come along to our regular meetings and talk to other people about how they have coped and settled into their new lives here. We also have a very active facebook and local WhatsApp groups for additional support and organising spontaneous meet-ups. You’ll be amazed at the wealth of good advice!
12. I’m expecting my first baby, can I still come along to the group?
Absolutely! We welcome expectant Mums to come along to our meetings during their pregnancy. It’s a great way to meet everybody and feel settled in the group before the bump becomes a baby! We also run a Pregnancy and New Mother Support Group called Bumps to Babies as part of Tots & Co which you are more than welcome to attend.
13. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with my first baby and am rather scared at the thought of giving birth in France. Can Tots & Co offer any advice?
Yes, and we can do a whole lot more too! We run a Pregnancy and New Mother Support group to give you the help you need through your pregnancy and the first months with your new baby. We also have a library of pregnancy and early childhood support books as well as a “Pregnancy Support Guide – Having a baby in Toulouse” which outlines all the medical check-ups you need to have and which administrative forms you need to fill in when.
14. I work full-time, are there any Tots & Co activities I can come along to?
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect with like-minded families and access the support networks Tots & Co offers, we've introduced new initiatives for working parents. Alongside our monthly Mum's Club outings and weekend Family Meet & Culture Club, we now offer a reduced fee membership option tailored for working parents.