How to enrol into a French nursery or primary school
Nursery school ('l’école maternelle') is open to children of 3 to 5/6 (some municipalities accept children from the age of 2 ½ - 2 ¾ but this really does vary on the town’s politics). Primary school ('l’école primaire' or 'l’école elémentaire') is compulsory for children of 6+. The cut-off date for French schools is usually 31st December. That’s to say, children born in the same calendar year will be in the same class, unlike the UK or USA which uses the school year end (August) as their cut off.
Enrolment is done at the local town hall or ‘Mairie’. If you wish your child to start at the beginning of the school year in September then you should register them usually before the end of June. However, be aware that registration may start much earlier (depending on the town's politics) so it is better to check as soon as possible with your local 'Mairie'. It is very difficult to register a child during the summer holidays, particularly in August.
You will be asked for the following documents:
Once the ‘Mairie’ has registered your request, they will send you a document (an ‘avis d’affectation’) informing you of the school your child has been allocated. You will then have to make an appointment to see the head teacher / school principal ('Directeur' or 'Directrice’).
The teacher will ask you to fill in various forms such as your contact details, doctor’s details, etc. They may ask for small ID photos and proof that your child has insurance coverage.
Ask your home insurance company for an ‘attestation d’assurance pour résponsibilité civile’. This insurance is always included with your house/flat insurance so you will not pay extra fees. This will cover your child in case he breaks something/injures someone. If you want your child to be covered if he gets injured with no identified third party as the cause, you will need to subscribe to an extra 'Assurance scolaire'. At the beginning of the school year, most schools distribute information about insurance policies to cover children for those who do not already have their own.
Enrolment is done at the local town hall or ‘Mairie’. If you wish your child to start at the beginning of the school year in September then you should register them usually before the end of June. However, be aware that registration may start much earlier (depending on the town's politics) so it is better to check as soon as possible with your local 'Mairie'. It is very difficult to register a child during the summer holidays, particularly in August.
You will be asked for the following documents:
- 'Livret de Famille' – if you do not have one of these i.e. if your child was not born in France, then you should take your child’s birth certificate (a French translation may be asked for but again this depends on the town administrators).
- A gas or electricity bill ‘EDF/GDF’ as proof of your address. Note that everyone accepts this as a ‘legitimate’ bill. Some town halls actually refuse telephone or other such invoices.
- Proof of vaccination – if your child does not have a French ‘carnet de santé’, you will need to show that he/she has had the BCG or TB vaccination, as this is compulsory. You can also get the list of vaccines that your child has had from the government / health service of the country where you were living last.
Once the ‘Mairie’ has registered your request, they will send you a document (an ‘avis d’affectation’) informing you of the school your child has been allocated. You will then have to make an appointment to see the head teacher / school principal ('Directeur' or 'Directrice’).
The teacher will ask you to fill in various forms such as your contact details, doctor’s details, etc. They may ask for small ID photos and proof that your child has insurance coverage.
Ask your home insurance company for an ‘attestation d’assurance pour résponsibilité civile’. This insurance is always included with your house/flat insurance so you will not pay extra fees. This will cover your child in case he breaks something/injures someone. If you want your child to be covered if he gets injured with no identified third party as the cause, you will need to subscribe to an extra 'Assurance scolaire'. At the beginning of the school year, most schools distribute information about insurance policies to cover children for those who do not already have their own.